Tuesday 11 December 2012

Growing and growing and growing - November 8 2012

This week we have many radishes! So many that we cannot eat them all! So we are giving them to the in-laws! They are huge too!! It is seriously amazing how fast they grow! All you need to do is plant them about 5mm deep in soil and in a rows 30cm apart and make sure they are watered well! Once they start to sprout a bit, they may need to be thinned back so that they can grow to their full potential! And then in a few weeks time there will be delicious and peppery radishes to add to salads!

Today we extended our veggie garden out another quarter of the original length! It was so hard! And there were so many rocks and bricks! The top photo is before, and the bottom photo is after! Now there is more room for all the stuff that we want to plant! I am so addicted to gardening! Hahaha.

To clear the land we used a spade to "cut out" the square in the grass that we were going to dig out. Then we used a pitch fork to get rid of all the grass and roots. We used a combination of the spade and the pitch fork to dig up the soil and dig out the rocks and bricks and roof tiles! It was such a fun day even though it was seriously hard and back breaking work! After the ground was cleared we put compost on top and then planted some cocktail tomato plants and a tobacco plant (very strange!). And soon we will plant all the different seeds! Yay!!!

As well as extending our veggie garden, I have been growing my kitchen garden! I have now added fennel, parcelery (a mix of parsley and celery which I thought sounded tres cool!), garlic chives, coriander and a tomato plant! I also got some new gardening gloves! Such an awesome day of new additions to our gardening family!

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