Saturday 29 December 2012

Happy birthday to me!! - November 11 2012

Its always exciting having a birthday. This year was extra exciting as university had finished and we were on holiday, plus I managed to get the day off work and hang out with my hubby!

Our rocket is growing like mental! Which is good for us because it is almost going to be too hot to keep growing rocket, as we are heading into summer. Rocket doesn't do too well in summer as it goes to seed really quickly and the leaves can be really bitter because of the heat. So this is our last harvest of rocket for the year! And although we will miss this gorgeous green leafy monster, it gives us more room to plant new plants!!

 This is so exciting!!! For my birthday, my wonderful husband bought me a mandarin tree, an avocado tree and a lime tree, as well as two strawberry plants! I don't know much about fruit trees, but I do know that we won't be harvesting from these beauties for a couple of years, so that the trees can establish themselves and strengthen. Makes a lot of sense really! We will be planting them in some large-ish pots as we don't know where we will be in a couple of years, but we do know that we will be moving from where we are now, and I want my trees forever!

I am a very happy lady!

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