Tuesday 4 December 2012

Patience is a virtue - October 12 2012

One thing that I struggle with is patience! If I want something, I want it now!! And waiting is not ideal! I am the kind of person who will drive the extra long way to get somewhere, rather than the short traffic blocked way even if it will take the same amount of time, just so I don't have to wait in traffic! Strange but true!

So for me, waiting for the veggies to grow in the garden is something that I am learning to love! Taking time after a busy or stressful day to go up and enjoy the beautiful spring evening and water the plants is becoming a relaxing ritual that I am trying to not take for granted! It is also such an amazing and unique way for my husband and I to spend time together!

And watching the plants grow and grow is almost ALMOST as exciting as the prospect of being able to eat them!! Patience, however is a virtue!! Because it does take some time before you can actually eat the vegetables of your labours! Especially if you are planting from seed! Which we are going to give a go!

Something that I have learnt is just how rewarding and relaxing gardening is! Being able to watch something you have created prosper is simply amazing and totally awe inspiring!!


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