Monday 10 December 2012

I NEED MORE PLANTS - November 5 2012

Here in New Zealand, we are now well and truly into spring, and summer is just around the corner! The prospect of many new plants is exciting beyond belief and beyond words!

The other day, I was watching Food TV, and an ad came on TV for POD Gardening. And so I checked out their website!

This may have been a blessing for me, but not a blessing for my bank account! I found their online store, and before I knew it, I had added to my cart many seed packets of things that I was desperate to grow! And we all know that the joys of online shopping don't end once the transaction is complete, because the package gets shipped to your house a few days or weeks later and getting mail is normally always exciting (especially if you don't have to pay bills yet!).

But when my package arrived!!!!! OOOOHHH BOOOY!!!!! I WAS EXCITED!!! So excited that I laid it all out and photographed it along with a cute hand written note that was inside!! SUPER CUTE!!!

Now I am even more excited to get to plant the seeds! I ordered some interesting and exotic sounding things like rainbow carrots and rock melon, black krim tomatoes and butternut squash! Because I spent so much, I also got 5 bonus packs of seeds! The Cottage Veggie Garden is going to have a bountiful (hopefully) harvest!

So please bare with (Miranda reference) while I experiment with not only growing from seed (for the first time since science class in high school with an unsuccessful bean plant which crushed my gardening hopes and dreams) but also growing things that are so much different from the trusty, faithful lettuce and rocket that basically promise to grow and grow for you!

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